
4 Ways To Perform Python String Formatting

4 Ways To Perform Python String Formatting 4 Ways To Perform Python String Formatting Generate the strings that you like in Python Photo by Artturi Jalli on  Unsplash String formatting can be pretty fundamental and simple, but what really triggered me was what was the best way to do the formatting while writing the code for specific situations. And that curiosity kinda let me down the rabbit hole. On a side note, I actually wrote other Python related articles before like Python Number Formatting Binary Type which probably needs me to write another one more on just Python 3. If you are also keen, I wrote this piece on writing messages in binary just for fun. Other than that, I did write mostly on Java and a few on JavaScrip...

9 HTTP Methods You May Want To Know

9 HTTP Methods You May Want To Know 9 HTTP Methods You May Want To Know Create CRUD operations Create CRUD operations Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on  Unsplash In my other article, “ 10 Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints ,” I had briefly mentioned HTTP. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, more commonly known as HTTP, is said to be a standard. It is used to communicate between clients and servers. How it works is through the request-response protocol between a client and server. A quick example of how it works: Imagine your browser (client) sends an HTTP request to the server (for whichever site you are trying to access). Then the server returns a response to the client. This response conta...

10 Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints

10 Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints 10 Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints Avoid special characters, use lowercase names, and more Avoid special characters, use lowercase names, and more Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash . Web developers are no strangers to APIs — especially HTTP methods like GET and POST. When it comes to designing APIs, backend engineers or API engineers are familiar with them as well. That means REST is a term that is familiar. It is said that REST is an architecture and not a standard. It was developed alongside HTTP and is most commonly used over HTTP. HTTP is a standard, whereas REST is an architecture. REST is an architectural style that provides constraints tha...